dimarts, 29 de juliol del 2014


Two weeks ago we (me and Àlvar, another Catalan Jesuit) arrived in Maban County, Upper Nile, a remote part of South Sudan, not far from the border with Sudan and even Ethiopia. Lots to discover ! JRS team has already been on the ground for a year now.

Ara ja fa dues setmanes vem arribar amb l'Àlvar (també jesuïta català) a Maban, Upper Nile, al nord est del país més jove del món, el Sud Sudan. L'equip del JRS hi porta un any, nosaltres encara hem d'aprendre molt del lloc i de la gent.

Information on South Sudan
Humanitarian: OCHA
Local media: Radio Tamajuz

Sunset from our compound - posta de sol des de casa

dijous, 3 de juliol del 2014


CAT> El passat dilluns dia 30 de Juny va fer 2 anys de l'ordenació de capellà. Amb els refugiats a Kakuma camp (Kenya) he après el valor de l'estar, d'una presència discreta però constant. Gràcies Bon Déu. No hi ha altre camí que el de la compassió i la tendresa radical, total, sense reserves.

ENG> Last Monday, June 30, I celebrated 2 years of my priestly ordination. It has been a real blessing to learn with the refugees in Kakuma refugee camp (Kenya) how to try to be a compassionate and tender messenger of Jesus.

New arrivals area in Kakuma refugee camp-JPDávila
These days I am rereading Etty Hillesum's diary. I feel deeply moved by the words of this courageous woman who saw it all but remained enamoured of life:

"With the passing of people, 
I feel a growing need to speak to You alone. 
I love people so terribly, 
because in every human being I love something of You. 
And I seek You everywhere in them 
and often do find something of You."

Below a few pictures of the beautiful farewell the 3 chapels in Kakuma refugee camp (Kenya) organized last May. 

Thank you Joan for your friendship

I was co opted to be part of the drama and had to improvise

André, Canadian Jesuit who came for a few weeks to Kakuma

Cutting the goodbye cake with Rebecca, Christine and Eveline
Feeding one another, what a wonderful tradition