diumenge, 24 d’agost del 2014


Echoes of the past times in Kakuma refugee camp:

“Accompaniment means being there with the refugees and trying as much as possible to build up a relationship or friendship,”

“The refugees are the ones who tell you, ‘We are grateful that you are here, that you don’t look at the time when you come visit our homes, that you bless our houses, that you baptize your children, that you reach out to everybody, that you walk in the camp or use your bicycle to go from the residence to the educational center.’ I think accompaniment is about that opportunity, reaching out, leaving your comfort zone, and exposing yourself.”

“The kids are the ones who keep hope alive,” said Fr. Vidal. “They’ve gone through so much,  and when they feel safe enough, they start opening up — they start being kids again — and it’s beautiful to see that despite all the challenges they’ve gone through, they are able to enjoy life, to learn and to spread joy around them.” 

You can find the full article about my time in Kakuma here:

I highly recommend you reading slowly the recent JRS´ publication on the same entitled SIDE BY SIDE: https://www.jrs.net/assets/Publications/File/SideBySide.pdf
Ressons del temps passats al camp de refugiats de Kakuma:

"Acompanyament significa romandre amb els refugiats i intentar construir una relació, una amistat"

"Els refugiats són els que et dieu: 'Estem agraïts que siguis aquí, que no mires el rellotge quan vens a visitar-nos a casa nostra, que beneeixes les nostres cases, que bateges les nostres criatures, que t'acostes a tothom, que camines pel camp o fas servir la bicicleta per anar de casa al centre educatiu.' Crec que l'acompanyament és l'oportunitat d'atansar-se, abandonant la teva zona de confort, tot exposant-te."

"Els infants són els que mantenen l'esperança viva. Han sofert tant,... però quan se senten segurs comencen a obrir el cor, tornen a ser infants altra cop. És bonic veure com malgrat totes les dificultats viscudes els infants són capaços de gaudir de la vida, aprendre i escampar alegria arreu."