Nobody knows how many people have died in South Sudan since this recent war started. This is a tragedy.
"Counting the dead goes beyond understanding the scale of this
devastating war, it honours those who have been lost and is a minimum
form of respect to the tens of thousands of South Sudanese who have been
Read more:
Fins no fa gaire les estimacions parlàven de 10,000 persones mortes des de Desembre 2013 en aquesta nova guerra al Sudan del Sud. Ara sembla que la xifra real podria estar entre 50,000 i 100,000 persones. El pitjor és que no hi ha interès en portar un recompte seriós de les víctimes.
No voler saber quanta gent ha mort és tancar els ulls a una realitat mostruosa i és de fet una estratègia per seguir amb la lluita armada.
dimecres, 19 de novembre del 2014
dissabte, 8 de novembre del 2014
9 de Novembre, Catalunya viu un moment decisiu. Avui, desitjaria poder
ser a la terra on vaig néixer, amb la gent amb qui vaig créixer. La distància no minva el fet de sentir-me Català.
A milers de quilòmetres, aquí a Maban, Sudan del Sud, 128,000 persones enyoren la seva terra
d'origen (Blue Nile), d'on van fugir per la força. Enlloc com a casa.
Catalunya i Maban, dos mons, un anhel: pertànyer a una terra i poder-hi viure en pau.
9, a historic day in Catalonia, my mother land. I wish I could be there with
the people I grew up with, to whom I am so much indebted.
Here in
Maban, South Sudan, so many refugees living in forced exile remind me of that
deep longing for home, so human, so essential. There is
nowhere like home. R. Panikkar, a universal Catalan, once said:
“Perhaps only one´s birthplace has that power, that aura of life which makes it appear not separate, not just a beautiful parcel of land or indeed anything ‘outside’ of us, but part and parcel of ourselves, an extension or rather a continuation of our very being … That place is part of me, and I am part of that place.”(The Cosmotheandric Experience)
But land is not just merely landscape or a piece of soil, it is a place marked with a history, a "storied place". That is why W. Brueggeman, reflecting on the theme of land in the Bible, said:
“The central problem is not emancipation but rootage, not meaning but belonging, not separation from community but location within it, not isolation from others but placement deliberately between the generations of promise and fulfillment.” (The Land: Place as Gift,Promise, and Challenge in Biblical Faith)
Next time, I shall try to share the reasons why, if being rooted is so important, am I voluntarily living so far from my mother land.
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Ana and her children long for 'home' - Ana i els seus fills es pregunten 'Fins quan?' - Doro refugee Camp/Maban - Doro refugee Camp/Maban . P. Vidal |
diumenge, 2 de novembre del 2014
No sembla que puguem ser massa optimistes. Fins i tot l'International Crisis Group vaticina que un cop s'acabin les pluges la cosa es posarà interessant de nou.
ICG: ConflictAlert: Looming Military Offensives in South Sudan
Tant de bo s'equivoquin.
Preparándose para lo peor.
ICG: ConflictAlert: Looming Military Offensives in South Sudan
Ojalá no se cumpla.
No sembla que puguem ser massa optimistes. Fins i tot l'International Crisis Group vaticina que un cop s'acabin les pluges la cosa es posarà interessant de nou.
ICG: ConflictAlert: Looming Military Offensives in South Sudan
Tant de bo s'equivoquin.
Preparándose para lo peor.
ICG: ConflictAlert: Looming Military Offensives in South Sudan
Ojalá no se cumpla.
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