dimecres, 16 de maig del 2007

How the Monkeys Saved the Fish

Una breu història que fa uns dies algú explicava a propòsit del manament de l'amor (Jn 13, 34-35).

The rainy season that year had been the strongest ever and the river had broken its banks. There were floods everywhere and the animals were all running up into the hills. The floods came so fast that many drowned except the lucky monkeys who used their proverbial agility to climb up into the treetops. They looked down on the surface of the water where the fish were swimming and gracefully jumping out of the water as if they were the only ones enjoying the devastating flood.
One of the monkeys saw the fish and shouted to his companion: "Look down, my friend, look at those poor creatures. They are going to drown. Do you see how they struggle in the water?" "Yes," said the other monkey. "What a pity! Probably they were late in escaping to the hills because they seem to have no legs. How can we save them?" "I think we must do something. Let's go close to the edge of the flood where the water is not deep enough to cover us, and we can help them to get out."
So the monkeys did just that. They started catching the fish, but not without difficulty. One by one, they brought them out of the water and put them carefully on the dry land. After a short time there was a pile of fish lying on the grass motionless. One of the monkeys said, "Do you see? They were tired, but now they are just sleeping and resting. Had it not been for us, my friend, all these poor people without legs would have drowned." The other monkey said: "They were trying to escape from us because they could not understand our good intentions. But when they wake up they will be very grateful because we have brought them salvation." (Traditional Tanzanian Folktale) (més històries aquí i aquí)

No sempre allò que creiem que és amor ho és. O segons saviesa popular catalana: "De bones intencions, l'infern n'està empedrat". Aquí molts homes pegen a les seves dones i creuen (o això diuen) que les estimen. Aquí tantes dones es deixen maltractar creient que és amor.

2 comentaris:

Marc Arza ha dit...

Fa temps que penso que no tenim l'Àfrica prou present. Per això des d'alguns blocs em demanat que s'escrigui sobre aquest continent. Per què pensar-hi és ja fer alguna cosa.

Arran d'això algú m'ha descobert el teu bloc i volia felicitar-te. Pel bloc, però sobretot per la feina que fas.

És bó saber que hi ha qui té l'Àfrica molt i molt present.

Et passó un link. Agraïria molt els teus comentaris.


Fins aviat,
Marc Arza

el Diego, la Maria, la Lia, en Pau i en Saïd ha dit...

Em pregunto també si no som nosaltres també una mica 'monkeys', en la manera com 'estimem' i mirem de donar un cop demà als 'peixos' africans que ens envolten, mentre estem així, pujats a la figuera...
Pau gràcies pel teu blog, m'ajuda i em qüestiona moltes coses sobre el nostre dia a dia marroquí, que a dia d'avui no he arribat a viure sense sentiment d'incoherència, d'incertesa i de por a entregar-nos. Tinc moltes ganes de trobar-te a l'estiu.
Una forta abraçada