dijous, 24 de maig del 2007

The sacrifice of the white hen

La persona que l'altra dia, a propòsit del manament de l'amor, explicava la història dels micos, la contraposava a aquesta altra. Les contraposicions (o això o alló) sempre ajuden a optar. I les històries-paràboles són un bon instrument per entrar al fons del cor i desmuntar les bastides que sovint aixequem per defensar-nos.

There was a young Nigerian boy named Olu who had a pet white chicken. They became great friends and inseparable companions. One day the hen disappeared and Olu cried and cried. Then after three weeks the white hen returned to the compound with seven beautiful white chicks. The Nigerian boy was overjoyed. The mother took very good care of her chicks.One day late in the dry season the older boys set a ring of fire to the bush area outside the village. Everyone stood outside the ring as the fire burned toward the center. The purpose was to drive little animals such as rabbits and small antelopes out of the circle. Then the waiting cutlasses claimed their prey. When the slaughter and the fire were over, Olu and his friends walked through the smoldering embers. The boy noticed a heap of charred feathers and smelled burned flesh. It looked like the remains of a bird that had not escaped from the fire. Then Olu realized in horror. It was his beloved friend the white hen all black and burned to death. But then came the sounds of chicks. The mother hen had covered them with her body and they were still alive and well. The mother had given her life for her children. She died that they may live. (Yoruba, Nigeria)

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